Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Little Sweeties

I have enjoyed living back in Utah and being able to see my Cousins and Family.  These are my Cousins kids and are basically the same ages as my kids, so it's fun for my kids to have more Cousins!

"W" Kiddos

These little cuties were a lot of fun and their Mama has been one of my best friends for a long time!

Monday, October 14, 2013

The "H" Kiddo's

I could photograph these darling kids all day, they are all so photogenic!  Another one of my Itty Bitty Fall Session kiddo's.

Itty Bitty Fall Session Models

My cute models for my Itty Bitty Fall Session's kick off.  Of course my little sweetie and her cute cousins.  The necklaces are both custom made by Susan Nance Photography!